2021 Winter Newsletter
Tools to make your financial life easier
Are you using Cove’s self-serve tools to make your financial life easier? These tools enable you to access accounts 24/7 from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Login to Home Banking thru the website at www.covefcu.com. Download the Mobile App now by going to Google Play or the App Store for Apple devices.
- Check Balances & Verify Transactions: Keep tabs on your account balance in real time.
- Find the Closest Surcharge Free ATM and Shared Branches
- Deposit Checks: Utilize our free Cove Mobile App todeposit checks remotely.
- Transfer Money: Transfer money between your accounts.
- Pay Others: Pay your bills using Bill Pay, or send money person-to-person using Paypal.
- Apply for Loans: Visit covefcu.com for home, auto, personal loans and credit cards.
Protecting your finances
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is committed to providing consumers with up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage their finances during this difficult time.
Mortgage & housing assistance
If you're concerned about how to pay your mortgage or rent, the CFPB has information on what to do now, and what your options are for mortgage and rental relief
What to do if you are struggling to pay bills
The CFPB offers resources to help you protect and manage your finances if you are facing financial difficulties as a result of the pandemic.
Student Loans
Student loan borrowers now have more benefits to consider when planning for the potential financial impact from coronavirus. Principal and interest payments on federally-held student loans are automatically suspended though January 31, 2021.
Avoiding Scams
Scammers are taking advantage of the Coronavirus pandemic to con people into giving up their money. Scams to watch out for include:
Cove FCU 2021 Seminar Series
Financial Aid
Taking the Mystery Out of Paying for College:Myths versus Realitypresented by Dan Bisig of College and Beyond LLC
February 2nd 2021
Consumer & SeniorFraud Prevention
Presented by Kathryn S. Woliung of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service
March 4th 2021
Wills & Estate Planning
Presented by Paul Boggsof JSB Attorneys
April 13th 2021
These are free online seminars open to Cove members and the community. Watch for registration information on the website as we get closer to the dates. For more information email members@covefcu.com.
Cove is seeking Board of Director candidates for three positions. If interested please contact Tom Burns, CEO, for an application packet. Email tburns@covefcu.com or call 859-292-9000.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Be a Cove Federal Credit Union member in good standing for at least one year
- Have an active savings/checking account
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day: January 18
- Presidents Day: February 15
- Memorial Day: May 31
- Independence Day (observed): July 5
- Labor Day: September 6
- Columbus Day: October 11
- Veterans Day: November 11
- Thanksgiving: November 25
- Christmas Eve: December 24 Open 9-Noon
- Christmas Day: December 25
Apple and Google Pay Coming Soon!
Watch the website and your email for details.